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Dull Skin: Papaya Facial

The enzymes in papaya make it a natural exfoliant that fights free radicals, so say goodbye to dullness with this facial from Skinny Chef, Jennifer Iserloh! Peel and remove the seeds of one papaya, then chop it into small pieces. Add 1/4 cup of honey for a natural cleanser. Using a blender or food processer, mix the ingredients until a paste is formed. Apply the paste to clean, dry skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes then splash off with warm water. Wash thoroughly, or the papaya juice could make your face look orange!
木瓜中的酶是天然的去角质剂,且能清除自由基,所以,这个来自面膜大师Jennifer Iserloh的方子能让你立时跟暗沉说拜拜!取一只木瓜,削皮,去籽,并切成小块。加1/4杯蜂蜜作为天然清洁剂。用一只搅拌机或食品加工机,混合这几样东西直至成糊状。脸洗净并擦干后,涂上面膜,记得避开眼周区域。保留10-15分钟后用温水洗净。一定要彻底洗净,否则留下来的木瓜汁会让你的脸变成橙色哦!

Dull Skin: Lemon Juice and Sea Salt Facial

A lemon juice and sea salt facial not only smells delicious, but it’s simple to make and great for rejuvenating skin! Annie Berthold-Bond, author of “Better Basics for the Home,” recommends combining 1/4 cup of sea salt with lemon juice. It’s up to you whether you want the mixture to be thick or runny, so add lemon juice accordingly. Apply the paste to your clean, dry face, avoiding sensitive areas. Close your eyes and relax for a few minutes while you let the lemon juice slough off dead skin cells, then wash with warm water.
柠檬海盐面膜不光闻着香,制作简单,而且能让肌肤重新焕发光彩!《居家面膜的升级版》一书作者Annie Berthold-Bond推荐使用1/4杯的海盐加上柠檬汁做面膜。或稀或稠,你可以自己决定柠檬汁的用量。脸洗净擦干后,均匀涂上面膜,注意避开敏感区域。闭眼休息一阵子,让柠檬汁剥去死皮,然后用温水冲洗干净。

Dull Skin: Oatmeal Facial

The uneven edges of oatmeal make it a gentle exfoliant, ideal for sloughing off dead cells to reveal the bright skin underneath. Combine 2 tablespoons of uncooked and unflavored oatmeal with 1 cup of whole milk in a small pot, heating them until a thick mixture forms. The lactic acid in milk will also remove dead skin cells. Remove from heat and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil for moisture. Wait until the mixture is warm but not hot then apply to your clean, dry face. Wash off the mask with warm water after 20 to 30 minutes.

Irritated or Sunburned Skin: Yogurt Facial

This facial is sure to soothe your irritated skin, and it’s so simple to make. Apply 1 cup of plain yogurt (make sure it’s not flavored — save that for the kids!) to clean, dry skin. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, and then wash away with warm water. The lactic acid found in yogurt will help soothe your skin, and the probiotics work to naturally heal skin irritation. If you’ve been out in the sun for too long, consider mixing 2 teaspoons of aloe into the yogurt for an extra cooling effect

Irritated or Sunburned Skin: Pumpkin Facial

Thinking about baking a pumpkin pie? Save a bit of that pureed pumpkin to pamper yourself with a facial, like this one from “Bonding Over Beauty” author Erika Katz. Combine 2 teaspoons of pureed pumpkin with 1/2 teaspoon of honey and 1/4 teaspoon of heavy whipping cream. Mix all of the ingredients until they make a thick paste, then apply to clean, dry skin. Leave on 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. The vitamin A in the pumpkin has healing properties and promotes tissue repair, which irritated skin will love!
打算做个南瓜派?为自己的面膜留点儿料吧。《美丽联合》的作者Erika Katz贡献了一张处方:2茶匙的南瓜糊,1/2茶匙的蜂蜜,1/4茶匙的重奶油。将所有原料混合搅拌成厚糊状,敷在洗净并擦干的脸上。保留10分钟,用温水洗净。南瓜里的维他命A有修复作用,并能促进组织修复。无疑是敏感肌的大爱!