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How to Really Start a Business (or Why You Don't Need Money to Make Money)

Everyone has excuses about why they can't (actually won't) earn more money. A common excuse is, "I need money to make money".

You and I know that's a myth (you do know that's a myth, right?), but most people take it as a truism.

A lot of people think they need tens of thousands of dollars to get in on a franchise, or put cash down for a rental property, or buy into some silly multilevel marketing scheme.

The fact is, there are plenty of ways to make money without the need for a pile of cash — as Chris Guillebeau's recent book, The $100 Startup, covers. The first step is to realize that there are always multiple solutions to any problem, whether it's making more money, building your retirement nest egg/strongbox, or bartering for broccoli.

Must-have tools for creating a business on the cheap are:

A bootstrapping mindset: How can you get or do something for free or extremely low cost? Again, creative brainstorming and flexible thinking will help you figure out how to accomplish a task on a shoestring. Check out some more specific bootstrapping principles to get you started.

Small steps and a willingness to experiment: This is the iterative, lean startup approach, where you try something small & fast, learn from it, and improve. What? You haven't heard of the lean startup approach? Well, start reading up on it. It'll save you from wasting time and money, and reduce startup frustration and misery.
脚踏实地,勇于尝试:这一环节,创业者所要做的就是重复的精益创业。在此期间,创业者可以做各种小而快的尝试,从中获取经验和教训,提升自己的实力。什么?你竟然没听说过"精益创业"?好吧,那么先好好钻研一番吧。你的时间和金钱将不再被浪费,起步的挫折与痛苦将会减轻。(注:lean startup以一个远景假设为出发点,通过快速、低成本的验证方式,验证产品与市场的契合度,不断迭代并及时调整方向。)

Market validation: Again, from the lean startup/customer development paradigm, make sure that you're offering something that people want and will pay for. What what? You haven't heard of customer development either? Not a problem. There's great info out there to get you started.