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爱情保鲜:订婚32年未结婚 never say never

Glynis added: 'We had been together for about three years at the time.All of a sudden I was pushed into the middle of the dance floor and George got down on one knee and proposed to me. I was so embarrassed, but it was lovely.'

“George has tried to set a wedding date a number of times since the proposal, but has never managed to see it through.”

He said: 'I remember about 15 years ago Glynis’s brother was about to get married and I thought that might be a good time to ask again, so I suggested a double marriage. 'And you know what she said? "You’re not spoiling my brother’s wedding!".'
他说:“我记得大约15年前格利尼斯的弟弟要结婚了,我想这可能是一个好时机再问一下,所以我提出了双份婚礼的计划。 你知道她说什么? ‘你这是在破坏我弟弟的婚礼!’”

'But to be honest we’re quite happy the way we are. The longer it went on it’s just become normal to be engaged, it doesn’t really matter that we’ve never married.

'We think it’s quite nice just to live together as a couple and we’ve never really got round to settling a date for marriage.One thing or another would turn up and it would just take a back seat.

'We see our situation as a normal one, it doesn’t bother me. We’ve settled down, got two kids together and life’s good.'

But neither George nor Glynis would rule out the possibility that they could walk down the aisle sometime in the future.

George said: 'You never know. Perhaps when we are retired we will find the time to do it, but we just take each day as it comes.

Glynis said: 'I did dream about getting married when I was a little girl, but things happen in life, something would always get in the way.'But I would never say never.'