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年近三十遭遇社交危机 我还有机会认识新朋友吗?

The intensity of the friendships of my youth was borne of a lack of baggage and an abundance of time. You have greater emotional reserves when you make those friendships and when they fail, you bounce back, get back out there and try again. For most people, that resilience leaches away over the years.

I look at my parents and their friends: my dad has had the same friends pretty much all his life. These friendships continued across marriages, deaths and continental moves. My mother is the opposite: she has one solid childhood friend – who we call "auntie" even though we share no blood – but still manages to form friendships: deep, intense and emotional. The cost of such bright-blazing friendships is that they are often short-lived and excised from the record as soon as they end. I find the thought exhausting, even as I admire her way of flinging herself out there time after time.

The friendships that have lasted for me are more considered and meaningful. I made my two closest friends at university more than a decade ago, when we would loll in the student union pub for most of the day, eating chips and ogling boys. We all live in different cities now, two are coupled up and one has two children, so it's hard to find the time to see one other very often. Our bond is still strong, but we are also more realistic about our expectations.

I have made friends online – people who started out as anonymous witty sentences on a comment thread – who have gone on to become a part of my "real life". Nobody's perfect, but we all draw the line on the things we will and will not put up with. The friendships that last are the ones where you both recognise that you have a good thing going. Getting older might mean you don't make that many new friends, but maybe that's a good thing. The payoff is that you treat them with more care.
我交过网友,在评论贴下留下幽默诙谐的语句慢慢成为我“真实生活” 的一部分。没有人是完美的 ,但是我们都会在能忍受和不能忍受的事情中间画上界限。能够持久的友谊,是双方都意识到继续交往下去会感觉不错。年级变大可能意味着不能结交很多新朋友,但这也许是件好事。这样你会更加关心你的老朋友。

And why the mad rush to make all these friends in later life? "Friends: One to three is sufficient." Good advice.
为什么要急着去交以后生活中的朋友呢?“朋友:一到三个足矣。” 这个说法真不错。