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尼泊尔奇幻旅程 Magic Tour to Nepal

Of the many elements drawing travellers to Nepal, perhaps the most intriguing are the colourful religious practices. Amazing temples are found throughout the cities and the devotion of the people can be witnessed around every corner.

Nepal is officially a Hindu country, but through the centuries Buddhism and Hinduism have become 10)entwined to form a rather confusing mix of gods and rituals. You can easily occupy yourself for more than a week checking out the temples in the Kathmandu area.

At Pashu Patinath devout Hindus bathe in the sacred waters and deliver offerings to the shrines. 11)Sadhus, or Holy men, position themselves in front of the temples to meditate and collect 12)alms.

On the 13)outskirts of Kathmandu is one of the world’s largest Buddhist stupas, Boudhanath. The structure marks the location of one of the ancient trading routes between Lhasa and Kathmandu. Boudhanath is surrounded by giant prayer wheels used to 14)disperse believers’ 15)invocations to the heavens. In the evening Kathmandu’s sizable Tibetan population comes out to stroll around the temple and send off their prayers. I could easily have spent the entire afternoon here watching people and photographing the interesting faces.

Night life in Kathmandu is pretty limited. One of the best ways to spend an evening is to take in one of the many cultural shows offered by local hotels and restaurants. At Bhojan Griha, an old home has been 16)meticulously restored to create an 17)authentic venue for Nepali folk music, dance and traditional cuisine.

Kathmandu is the kind of place I could hang out for a while. The entire area is a living museum. The ancient buildings stand 18)intact right alongside a lifestyle that remains unchanged and, hopefully, will survive another few centuries.