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  This habit can seriously hurt you in a work setting. If you’re one of those folks who believes that you do your best work at the last minute and put off projects or assignments until the day (or hour) before they’re due, you may not be aware of the impact your habit is having on your co-workers.If your last-minute rush requires others to work quickly, you will likely anger them, and you’ll be the first one blamed when a project fails or isn’t completed on time.


  Misrepresenting your credentials or intentionally plagiarizing, lying on time sheets or billable hours, misusing expense accounts or abusing company credit cards, stealing the kudos for a co-workers' accomplishments, or otherwise robbing your employers blind can all cost you your job.


  So many of us habitually gossip, whine or complain. But do any of these too often and your job could be on the line. These all lead to the same end result: you become a headache for your manager. Your boss is likely responsible for ensuring her teams are contributing to positive morale and anyone on the team who is counterproductive to that reflects poorly on her. Negative employees are often referred to as 'cancer' by upper management for good reason: they will eventually be cut out. A good approach if you have a complaint is to speak with your manager directly, in private. Never drum up your co-workers for support first.
  我们当中很多人都有八卦抱怨的习惯。但是如果做的太频繁的话,工作恐怕就不保了。所有的这些会带来一个同样的结果:变成了老板的眼中的麻烦。一般来讲,老板要确保自己的团队有正面的能量,团队中如果有人是消极的,会有损他的形象。消极的员工在高级管理层中被认为是“癌细胞”,这是因为“他们早晚会被割除”。如果你有怨念的话,一个好的办法就是私底下直接和老板对话。 千万不要一开始就拉拢人心寻求支持。


  If you constantly arrive late to work, or return late from breaks, it displays an attitude of complacency and carelessness. So be prompt or even a bit early to show that you are time conscious and that you do care about your job and other people’s time, as well.
  上班迟到,休息后又迟回工作岗位表现出来的是一种傲慢、随便的工作态度。 因此,快速或者甚至是稍微提前一点进入工作状态说明你有时间观念,你确实很在乎工作和别人时间。

  Poor e-mail communication

  This can involve everything from not responding to e-mails to not being aware of how you come across in an e-mail. If you have a bad habit of taking too long to check or respond to e-mails, you could miss important meetings or deadlines, cause delays or confusion, or come off as uNPRofessional.

  Social media addiction

  Another common path to job loss is the habitual obsession that many employees have with social media. Some companies have taken measures to monitor or limit their employees’ social media use, while others have blocked these sites completely. So beware: spending too much time on social media or other websites not related to your work can cost you your job.

  Bad body language habits

  Do you routinely roll your eyes? Do you have a weak handshake? Do you avoid making eye contact? These could all be career killers. People must understand that actions speak louder than words. And the majority of our communication is done through non-verbal cues. People could perceive some of your non-verbal communication habits as rude or uNPRofessional—and these things could eventually have a significant impact on the advancement of your career.