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5. Doing Everything But Your Work

Are you checking your email, reading the news, updating Facebook, talking to coworkers, surfing the web, and checking your email again? You will never get to your work if you are doing everything else. Cut out the miscellaneous distractions, interruptions, etc. Close the email, turn off the internet if you must, and shut the door. Put your work in front of you and concentrate on that.

6. Not Making Time For Your Work

Many people say, “I never have time for my work.” You have to make time for it. Reserve time if you must. Try making appointments with your work. Put them on your calendar so other things do not take their place.
很多人说:“我总是没时间做自己的事情。” 那就挤时间呗。必要的话还可以预留好时间。为自己的事情定好计划,比如把任务写到日历上,决不让其他事情干扰。

7. Putting Things Off

Procrastination is the enemy of success. When you find yourself about to put off a task, ask yourself, “Could I do this now?” Are you putting it off simply because you don’t want to do it. Instead, "Just Do It Now."
拖延症是成功的敌人。当你感到自己开始拖延时,就问问自己:“这事儿现在做得了吗?” 要是你只是因为自己不想做而拖延任务,那“此刻就行动吧”。

8. You Don’t Finish Things

During your day, you probably start many things… but do you finish them? 57 Things started and nothing finished is a recipe for a never-ending todo list. Finish one task to completion before beginning another. A handful of tasks done almost always beats a bunch started.