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A photo of President Barack Obama hugging first lady Michelle Obama tweeted by the Obama campaign on election night has been retweeted nearly half a million times, likely making it the most shared tweet of all time.

According to AllTwitter.com, the most popular Twitter message before Tuesday was a tweet by Justin Bieber for Avalanna Routh, a six-year-old fan of the pop star who died of cancer. “RIP Avalanna,” Bieber wrote on Sept. 12.,”i love you.”
根据AllTwitter公司提供的数据,周二之前最受欢迎的一条推特是贾斯汀•比伯发的一张一个死于癌症的六岁粉丝Avalanna Routh。“安息吧,Avalanna,”比伯在9月12日写到,“我爱你。”

While President Obama’s Twitter feed technically now holds the most popular tweet of all-time, Obama himself does not. Personal tweets from the president are signed “-bo,” published several minutes before the photo, thanking his supporters. It read: “We’re all in this together. That’s how we campaigned, and that’s who we are. Thank you. -bo” That tweet was retweeted more than 141,000 times.