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7. Typing too much
7. 打字太多

Excessive amounts of typing is a well-known cause of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which is a painful wrist strain that can go up your arm. CTS can get bad enough to cause permanent nerve damage and muscle wasting.

8. Smartphone overuse
8. 过度使用智能手机

People who use their smartphones heavily to text and email are prone to muscle fatigue which is a type of RSI. The effects can get so bad that the pain can reach all the way up to your wrist and can be utterly debilitating to your hands.

9. Eating fast food for lunch
9. 垃圾食品吃太多

Most office-folk go out for an unhealthy lunch once in a while -- some more than others, but even the occasional indulgence has its negative effects. A portion of fast food usually has around double the calories to another similar food of the same size, and they have a lot of oxidized fat, which increases the risk of heart disease.

10. Tight deadlines
10. 截止日期紧迫

You get stressed out when you have to meet a strict deadline, which can affect your learning and memory according to Science Daily. This sort of short-term stress can be just as bad as stress that lasts weeks or months.

11. Being really, really bored
11. 感到无聊至极

Boredom can actually shorten your life, according to researchers. A study from University College London showed that those who complain of boredom are more likely to die young, and those who report high levels of tedium are much more likely to die from heart disease or stroke. It also puts you at higher risk for workplace accidents.