5分钟的预告片中包含了所有巨制大片的元素:身着年代服装挥动刀剑的战士,背景是中国古代的山水风景,还有绚丽的落日、起伏的稻田和白雪皑皑的山顶。不过这完全不是中国,这是德比郡的山峰区(Peak District)。
John Watts and Thomas Wood had a shoestring budget of £20,000 and needed to call on Chinese waiters in their home town of Sheffield to bulk out the cast in battle scenes.
After the trailer drew 80,000 YouTube views in two weeks, however, the pair are in talks about turning their script into an £8million production.
‘Instead of spending our meagre budget trying to make a cheap film, we boiled the script down to just five minutes and made the best trailer we could,’ said Mr Watts, 32.
The ever-changing English climate worked in the pair’s favour on the three-day shoot, with bright sunshine, rain and fog.
‘It helped give the trailer an epic look, like we’d been filming over several months,’ said Mr Watts.
“这使得预告片有了史诗一般的效果,就好像我们已经拍了好几个月。” 瓦特说。
But if the US-backed production goes ahead, its directors will leave the picturesque landscape of the peaks behind to shoot it in China.