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9.You Are a Bargain

In times of recession and recovery alike, companies are cautious about spending. Though many organizations are willing to pay top dollar for the best talent with a history of successes, some are hesitant to overburden their budgets with payroll expenses. You may be attractive to companies who want capable employees but don’t have a lot of extra cash. As a new grad, you may be more likely to accept a lower-than-average salary in order to gain experience and exposure to clients in your field。

10.Your Knowledge Is Fresh and Up-to-Date

Hiring managers may welcome a recent grad as a cost-effective way to bring up-to-date knowledge to their businesses. Fresh out of school, you've likely been studying the newest practices in your field, possibly with prominent research professors。

11.You Are Primed to Learn All Aspects of the Business

You just came out of college — a concentrated period of time when you were exploring all aspects of your course of study. That means that when you enter the workplace, you’re primed to learn all aspects of the business, whether or not they’re directly relevant to the task at hand。

12.You're Good at Multitasking

About that aforementioned versatility... employers often need someone who can handle multiple tasks at once and move among assignments as needed. Most employees must maintain a strong focus on their areas of accountability in order to meet both company performance requirements and career goals. You just spent years of college learning how to multitask and prioritize —balancing different classes and subjects, extracurricular activities, and probably living on your own for the first time。

13.You Are a Fountain of New Ideas

Businesses need people who offer a steady influx of new ideas and question existing methods. You probably have a much different base of reference from your boss — you know about different movies and music, have different hobbies, and know different people —all of which can help you think in different ways. As a result, you can brainstorm and share innovative ideas nearly effortlessly。

14.You Are Results-Oriented

Smart companies are moving towards a results only work environment — a system in which employees are evaluated by their productivity instead of the hours they turn in. Employees in this system are flexible go-getters. If a project requires extra hours to finish, you all order a pizza and stay late to do it. But if you finish early, the whole team can take off early and catch a movie。

15.You Thrive on Change

Adaptability in a fast-changing world is a desirable attribute. Companies must keep up with trends, technology, and more. So many companies especially appreciate employees who not only adapt to, but also embrace change。

16.You Are Collaborative

Studies have shown that thanks to things like new communication technology and a focus on in-class teamwork, new college graduates are more interested in working together and prepared to collaborate than previous generations。

17.You Represent the Future

Even when the job market seems tight, don't give up. It's tight for everyone right now. Yeah, you may not have years of experience or tons of contacts. But there are so many great reasons for employers to hire you. You just spent a significant amount of time training in your field. Couple that with some enthusiasm and eagerness to do a good job, and you're a great candidate。