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白羊座(Mar. 21- April 20)

When your Aries dad is poking fun or picking a fight with you, believe it or not, he is saying that he loves you. Aries dads like action-oriented contests of any sort, and they often show their affection by urging you to flex your own competitive muscles. You can rest assured that despite his jostling and wrangling, your Aries dad is always on your team.

金牛座(Apr. 21 - May 21)

The Taurus father is the strong silent type who will never let you down. Sure, he might not give you the extra $10 you want for your big night out at the movie theater, but he will pick you up afterwards at the very moment he said he would. One unique aspect to the Taurus dad is that he is one of the few fathers who you can actually trust to go clothes shopping with. Top-notch quality is virtually assured.

双子座(May 22 - June 21)

There is never a dull moment when your Gemini dad is in the room. He is the one cracking jokes, telling stories, and doing his best to get to know every single one of your friends. He'll want to know all the juicy gossip on everyone you hang out with, so get ready to disclose everything. Doing so is worth your while. He'll give you solid advice that's actually helpful.

巨蟹座(June 22 - July 22)

Cancer dads are more like mothers than fathers in some way, although they may try to hide this fact by trying to appear tough and callous. The real truth is that they are big teddy bears. Breaking through their shell may not be easy, but it's worth it, for inside you will find a treasure chest of warm sensitivity and receptivity. Cancer dads might be moody but they will be the most loyal friend you'll ever have.

狮子座(July 23 - Aug. 22)

Your Leo dad may act more like the child than the parent, and this is not something that is going to change as time goes by. You may find that your dad becomes more like a kid as he gets older. The Leo dad is the kind of dad who is easy to be friends with. The problem is getting him to leave your party rather than worrying about him putting an end to your party. This king of the forest loves to be honored, and Father's Day is made for Leo dads.