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土耳其男子8个月航海4000公里 赴英追爱却遭遣返

2012-11-24来源:daily mail

To Ramazan Culum’s mind, it was the ultimate declaration of love.

To win the heart of a young British waitress he had met in Cyprus seven years earlier, the Turkish businessman set off on an eight-month odyssey in a tiny yacht, braving stormy seas and travelling 2,500 miles to track her down.

土耳其男子8个月航海4000公里 赴英追爱却遭遣返

The only problem was that the object of his affections, Courtney Murray, had never indicated any interest in him, and in fact had fled her job in Cyprus to escape his disturbing and persistent overtures.

His bizarre journey has now been brought to an abrupt end after he was arrested in a British port on Friday and told he will be deported.

This was not enough to deter Culum, however, from a quest that has seen him arrested, lose his job as a company director and, as he put it, get banned from ‘more countries than Osama Bin Laden’.
但这并不足以阻止卡勒姆。这场追爱之旅让他被捕、失去了公司董事长的职业,而且根据他的说法,他被禁止进入的国家“比奥 萨马·本拉登还多”。

The 38-year-old’s obsession is said to have begun in 2005 when he met Miss Murray while on a scuba-diving trip in Northern Cyprus, where she was working in a cafe.

Although she took ‘no interest’ in Culum and served him just the once, he is said to have stolen her phone number from the cafe’s wall and began harassing her.

Her friends claim Culum showed up at the restaurant several times – once wielding a knife so he could ‘take her’ – and was eventually arrested and deported from Cyprus. Miss Murray was apparently so terrified she returned to her home, thought to be in Liverpool, where she eventually married.

In early 2011, Culum was still refusing to give up, and tracked Miss Murray down on Facebook, only for her promptly to block him from contacting her on the site.