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Yao was careful to avoid portraying the presence of foreign stars in the CBA as a bad thing, and he lauded Marbury in particular for embracing the second chance he was given in China. Still, he argued, the league needs something else to succeed in the long run. 'I don't mean to say foreigners are hurting basketball here. They come here to play, the fans love them, but still, long-term, you need local stars turning out,' he said. 'We need to think about the second step.'

So what's the solution? With millions of kids playing basketball on courts from Beijing to Baotou, China already has the necessary raw materials, according to Yao. The key is convincing the country's schools and parents to give students a break from their relentless study schedules.

'We just need to give them more time to play,' he said. 'I'm not saying education is not important, but we have to have balance...More and more people are starting to realize that education is not only about homework and examinations. Physical education is important, too.'

In that sense, Yao said, one of the great things to happen to Chinese basketball is the emergence of Harvard graduate and Houston Rockets ball handler Jeremy Lin, who stunned the world last year with a torrid stretch as an emergency fill-in point guard for the Knicks.
姚明说,从这个意义上讲,对中国篮球来说,近来发生的最重要的一件事情就是从哈佛毕业、现为休斯顿火箭队控球后卫的林书豪(Jeremy Lin)的蹿红。去年,作为纽约尼克斯队替补控球后卫临时上场的林书豪以一连串优异的表现令世界震惊。

'He proved that it's not necessary to give up education to become a great athlete,' Yao said of Lin, a Taiwanese American who has a massive following in China.
Getty ImagesJeremy Lin姚明谈到林书豪时说,他证明了想要成为一名伟大的运动员不一定要放弃学习。林书豪是台裔美国人,在中国有大批粉丝。

The other reason Lin could have a big impact on China's basketball future, according to the towering Yao: 'He's just normal sized, 6-foot-3, 6-foot-4 maybe. A lot of people can be that. Not everyone can be 7-foot-3.'

Lin has struggled so far to reproduce the success he experienced last year and said in a recent interview with Yahoo Sports that he felt he was a target on the court because of his race. Yao, who was a target himself when he first got to the NBA, said he thought it was wrong to think about it in terms of skin color.
到目前为止林书豪一直在努力复制他在去年取得的成功,在最近接受雅虎体育(Yahoo Sports)采访时他说,他觉得自己在球场被针对都是因为他是亚裔。刚到NBA时也曾被针对的姚明说,用肤色来解释这一问题是不对的。

'He's a target because he got so famous last year, not because of race,' he said. 'That what the NBA is like. You have to beat your opponent to earn the credit, and that's a process that will be with you through your entire career.'