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Her husband already has two Grammys on the shelf, but for First Lady Michelle Obama, her first nomination is still an honor – one for which she shares the credit.

Mrs. Obama, who is nominated in the spoken-word category for her book American Grown, says in a statement to PEOPLE: "This nomination is such an honor not just for me, but for everybody who contributed to the garden and the audio book, from the National Parks Service employees to our White House chefs to our beekeeper."
奥巴马夫人,因她的书 《American Grown》 被提名为有声类奖,在一份对《people》的声明中说:“这个提名不仅是我的荣誉,也是每个致力于园林和有声书的人的荣誉,从国家公园的园丁到我们的白宫厨师以及到我们的养蜂人。”

The book – part gardening how-to, part cookbook, part White House history – is, "So close to my heart because it tells the story of our White House Kitchen Garden and gardens all around the country," she says, "as well as what Americans are doing to make sure our kids are growing up healthy."

No official word on whether Mrs. Obama will attend the glittery music-awards ceremony in February (her husband never did; neither did Hillary or Bill Clinton when their audiobooks won), but the First Lady says she hopes the nomination alone keeps the conversation going about how we can all work together to ensure a healthy future for all our nation's
没有官方言论关于奥巴马夫人是否将出席2月份这个星光闪闪的音乐颁奖典礼 (她的丈夫从来没有过,希拉里或比尔•克林顿当他们的有声读物获奖时也没有过),但第一夫人说,她希望单就这个提名能使谈话继续下去,关于我们如何能一起工作来为我们国家的所有人确保一个健康的未来。