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According to one of the girls` mothers, her daughter once received a poor mark in an exam, and the mother blamed her and compared her performance with another classmate. The daughter`s feelings led to her creating the cartoons。

The girl`s father, who first posted the pictures on his Sohu Microblog on Monday, said he hopes parents take heed of the pictures, allow children to feel free to develop their own characteristics and try not to criticize them so often。

The father said the cartoons aren`t finished yet; his daughter will continue with them when she has time。

The cartoons, although maybe an individual case, reflects a modern phenomenon and some of the problems within Chinese family education, said Yu Qinfang, an expert on family education in Shanghai。

According to a survey of 104 children and their parents, Yu discovered that as many as 51.9 percent of primary school students hate being urged to do things by their mothers。

Not giving children enough time and hurrying them to do thing seems to be a very tiny detail within family life, but it is potentially a huge problem which can easily be ignored by parents, said Yu. A mother`s blame may lead to negative feelings within her child`s heart, Yu said; parents should learn to blame less and be more patient。