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七个新年计划 健健康康一整年


七个新年计划 健健康康一整年

1.Lose weight

The fact that this is perennially among the most popular resolutions suggests just how difficult it is to commit to. But you can succeed if you don't expect overnight success. Use a food journal to keep track of what you eat and have a support system in place. Around week four to six...people become excuse mills. That's why it's important to have someone there on a regular basis to get you through those rough times.

2.Stay in touch

It's good for your health to reconnect with old friends (or family). Research suggests people with strong social ties live longer than those who don't. In fact, a lack of social bonds can damage your health as much as alcohol abuse and smoking, and even more than obesity and lack of exercise, a 2010 study suggests.

3.Save money

Save money by making healthy lifestyle changes. Walk or ride your bike to work, or explore carpooling. (That means more money in your pocket and less air pollution.)

Cut back on gym membership costs by exercising at home. Many fitness programs on videogame systems can also get you sweating.

Take stock of what you have in the fridge and make a grocery list. Aimless supermarket shopping can lead to poor choices for your diet and wallet.