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5. Do Something Unexpected and Kind
5. 做件出其不意又充满温情的事

Whether it's sending a handmade present or her favorite type of cookies, preparing a small surprise can go a long way in rekindling a friendship, especially with someone you once considered a good pal. This will open your friend's heart to you, which will further the friendship. Just don't go overboard with a nice gesture; mailing something affordable rather than showing up at your buddy's doorstep is your best bet.

6. Throw a Dinner Party
6. 办一次晚宴派对

Chances are there's more than one friend you've been meaning to catch up with, so inviting over a group can restart multiple friendships at once. Let your buddies know how much they mean to you with a girlfriend gratitude dinner. Consider inviting women who all know each other, such as a few former coworkers, to simplify planning and keep the dinner conversation flowing.

7. Invite Her Along to an Event
7. 邀请朋友一起参加活动

Have an extra ticket to a concert, party or book reading? Bringing your friend to a gathering can be more casual-and less intimidating-than meeting one on one. This takes the pressure off and lets both of you relax in a group environment. Rather than jumping into a serious discussion of why you drifted apart, you'll be socializing with other people or enjoying some entertainment, which can make your reunion less awkward.

8. Try Out a New Experience
8. 一起尝试新经历

Creating fun memories together is a sure way to rekindle a friendship, says Chua. Email your friend about meeting up and suggest a list of activities you've been meaning to try for your get-together. Some ideas: playing paintball, going rock climbing, taking dance lessons and going trekking, says Chua. "This is a great way to learn new things about your friend and find fresh commonalities to bond over."