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IT'S my first Chinese class of the year with my Mandarin teacher, Meimei. We are discussing New Year's resolutions. Meimei's is to find a husband.

"2013 is the year I will meet my husband!" she declares. "And in 2014 I will get married!"

My resolutions are to take more pictures and order food delivery less often, but I admire her ambition. "You're right!" I tell her. "Perhaps I need to think bigger."

Being the same age and single, Meimei and I have great empathy with one another, although our circumstances are not exactly the same. Like most unmarried Chinese women nearing 30, she comes under intense pressure from her parents to find a husband. My mother, by contrast, takes the subtler approach of simply wondering out loud whether she will ever become a grandmother.

Today Meimei is full of romantic optimism, because the day before our class was January 4, 2013. In Mandarin this sounds a bit like Yi Sheng Yi Shi (201314), which means "Love You All My Life," she explains. Apparently 10,000 Chinese couples chose the day to get married.
今天美美全是浪漫的乐观情绪,因为我们课的前一天是2013年1月4日。普通话听起来有点像“一生一世” (201314),这意味着“一生都爱你,”她解释说。很显然一万对中国夫妇选择了这一天结婚。

"Maybe January 4, 2014, will be your turn!" I say.