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瑞典清洁女工偷火车 脱轨一头撞进居民楼


A woman stole an empty commuter train from a depot and drove it to a suburb of Stockholm where it derailed and slammed into an apartment building, officials said.

The woman was seriously injured in the early morning crash and was flown to a Stockholm hospital, police spokesman Lars Bystrom said. No one else was injured.
警方发言人Lars Bystrom称这名女子在今晨的事故中受伤严重,已被送往斯德哥尔摩市的医院,没有其他人员伤亡。

Bystrom said the woman was arrested on suspicion of endangering the public.

瑞典清洁女工偷火车 脱轨一头撞进居民楼

Tomas Hedenius, a spokesman for train operator Arriva, said the woman, born in 1990, stole the four-car train at a depot outside Stockholm.
铁路运营商Arriva公司的发言人Tomas Hedenius表示,这名女子出生在1990年,在斯德哥尔摩市郊的一处车站偷走了一列4厢通勤列车。

She then drove it about a mile to the end station on the railway line, where it jumped off the tracks, careered for about 30 yards and crashed into a three-story building.

Photographs from the scene showed the crumpled front car of the train buried deep into the structure.

"There were three families inside the apartment building, but no one was injured. At least not physically," Hedenius said.

The motives of the woman, who worked for a company contracted to carry out cleaning for the train operator, were not immediately clear.

"We have only heard good things about her. We're investigating how this could happen, and why she did what she did," Hedenius said. He said it's unclear how she got the keys to the train, but added that driving it is not that complicated.
铁路运营商发言人表示:“我们现在还没了解任何关于这名女子的负面消息,我们正在调查事故发生的经过和原因。” 他表示目前还不清楚她是如何拿到火车钥匙的,但他也表示这种通勤列车的驾驶操作并不复杂。

"Generally speaking that's possible even if you're not a train driver," he said. "You can read about it on the Internet, or observe how others do it."