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Facebook doesn't hold many press conferences. But when the world's biggest social network does talk to journalists, the briefings are always best when founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg goes off script.

The 28-year-old man did so on Tuesday, at the launch of Graph Search, when he openly described a "wider strategic rift" with Google and revealed for the first time why negotiations between Facebook and the search giant broke down over privacy.

According to Zuckerberg, Google was less willing (or able?) to change its search algorithm so that once a wall post or photograph was deleted from Facebook it vanished from the rival company's search results. Microsoft was able to do this and has partnered with Facebook since 2010.

"Trying to think whether it's reasonable to get into this," said Zuckerberg in a Q&A session, prompting a flurry of sudden interest from the assembled journalists. "I think the main thing is about when people share something on Facebook, we want to give them not only the ability to broadcast something out but also change their privacy settings later and take the content down.

"That requires incredibly quick updating ... We need that content to be gone immediately ... You need infrastructure that can support that and that takes a lot of commitment from the partner.”