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新西兰奶粉被爆含毒 恒天然公司称牛奶安全


Fonterra, the world's largest dairy exporter, said on Monday it has reassured its global customers that New Zealand dairy products are safe following the discovery of traces of a potentially toxic substance in milk samples.

The New Zealand firm said its testing had found "minute traces" in some of its products of dicyandiamide (DCD), a chemical used in fertilisers to prevent them from soaking into rivers, which can be toxic in large amounts.
恒天然证实在产品测试中发现了“微量” 双氰胺。双氰胺是一种防止肥料渗入河流的化学物质,大量使用有毒。

新西兰奶粉被爆含毒 恒天然公司称牛奶安全

Fonterra, said in a statement it had assured its customers that the detected DCD levels were no threat to human health.

"Customers are satisfied with our answers and the anxiety is dying down," Chief Executive Theo Spierings said later on Radio New Zealand.He said the DCD levels found in tests last year were "100 times less than European standards".

The fertiliser companies making the product have suspended its sale. Fonterra has been working with the government and the industry since last November to resolve the issue, Spierings said.

Fonterra is New Zealand's largest company with revenues of around NZ$20 billion ($16.8 billion), and is looking to expand in Asia to tap into the region's growing demand for dairy goods.