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In an effort to raise awareness about the homeless, those living on the streets are being recruited to read the weather forecast on TV in Europe.

Saatchi & Saatchi Berlin set up the program, called "Days of Hope," in which homeless people deliver the weather forecast and discuss how it affects them while living on the streets.
萨奇柏林广告公司做了一档名叫《Days of Hope》的节目,节目中请来了流浪汉来播报天气,并讨论这种天气对于他们这种露宿街头的人来说会有怎样的影响。

"This is a very simple, but surprising, idea, which we are expecting to get a lot of attention, stimulate conversations around this important issue, and most important of all, increase donations," John Pallant, Saatchi & Saatchi's regional creative director for EMEA, said.
“这是个简单却让人惊讶的想法,我们希望能够通过这种方式得到更多人的关注,并引发大家对这个问题的讨论。最重要的是希望此举能够增加人们对流浪汉的捐款,”该公司的创意总监John Pallant说。

Russia and Romania have already participated in the program, while Germany, Switzerland and Poland are expected to follow. "Days of Hope" originated on the radio in Germany.
俄罗斯、罗马尼亚已经参与到这个节目中来了,而德国、瑞士、波兰都有可能会加入。“Days of Hope”这个节目时根据德国一个之声节目改造而来。