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电脑盲伤不起:<a href=http://www.hxen.net target=_blank class=infotextkey>学习</a>电脑技能变身职场达人

Many people include software skills on their résumé, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and HTML, but not all of them have a good grasp of those programs. It's good to learn how to use various software because this knowledge can boost your résumé or even help you advance in your job.

A good way to learn these programs is through the online software training site. If you pay a subscription fee, you get access to programs like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and even Facebook. But if you're not keen on spending the money, you can even test out the service with a seven-day free trial. You might not even need a month's access because there's plenty you can learn in seven days. Remember to cancel before the trial ends, or you'll be charged.