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Traveling in the world today has become both easier and more sophisticated. The number of destinations and cultures open to travelers has never been greater and the nature of current technology allows us to share our experiences as they happen.

Below are a few tips to help you have a safe and successful travel experience. If you would like to share your experiences or your own travel tips, we would love to hear from you.

1. To Tip or Not to Tip
1. 给不给小费

Tipping etiquette varies from country to country and knowing the local norms can save you from an embarrassing situation or from getting ripped off. For example, in many Central American countries the service tip is included in your bill and you are not required to provide anything over and above that amount. Yet, it is not uncommon for taxi drivers to ask for a gratuity or for restaurants to give you a credit card receipt with a tip line in the hopes that you’ll fall into your normal habits.

2. Connect with Caution
2. 联网须谨慎

Being connected to the internet is something that most people cannot imagine being without, and WIFI is becoming ever-more ubiquitous and freely accessible. However just because you don’t have to pay for it does not mean that connecting comes without a price.

Before connecting to any WIFI network while traveling make sure that your device has the proper settings and safeguards in place to prevent others from accessing your device and snooping around. Also, avoid logging into bank accounts or using credit cards while on unsecured networks to help prevent identity theft.