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1. Show up for every check-in with the full agenda —send it a day or more ahead (Give your manager time and space to prepare)
1. 每次核查日程安排时都要出现——发给经理时提前一天或更久(给经理准备的时间和空间)

2. When you are asking your manager to communicate something (an email to the team, a reference letter, etc.), draft it for him or her (Editing is much easier than creating)
2. 当你麻烦经理沟通某事时(给团队电子邮件,推荐信等),为他/她写好样稿(修改比从头写起容易多了)

3. Do a start-stop-continue analysis once a year on all of your key activities (Make yourself as efficient as possible—that’s your responsibility as much as your manager’s)
3. 每年一次按“开始——中止——继续”分析你做的所有重大事情(让自己尽可能高效——那是你和经理都有的职责)

4. Own your own development plan and check in on it at least quarterly (Those who own their own career paths progress more quickly down them)
4. 有自己的发展计划,至少每季度回顾下(那些拥有自己的职业道路的人进步得更快)

5. Read a relevant business book and ask your manager to discuss insights with you (Staying current in your field—books, articles, blog posts, videos, mentors, lectures—is key in a learning organization)
5. 读相关的业务书,并和经理讨论想法(在你的领域紧跟当前趋势——书籍、文章、博客、视频、导师、讲座——是在学习型组织中的关键)