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刀锋战士涉嫌枪杀模特女友 情人节变情人劫

2013-02-16来源:daily mail

South African Paralympic and Olympic star Oscar Pistorius has been arrested and charged with murder after allegedly shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his home in Pretoria.

Pistorius is understood to have shot her in the head, chest and arm, although the circumstances surrounding the incident were unclear. Initial reports coming from South Africa suggested he may have mistaken her for a burglar, though the police later denied this.

刀锋战士涉嫌枪杀模特女友 情人节变情人劫

This morning the Paralympic gold medallist was questioned at Silverwoods Country Estate in connection with the shooting at his home in a gated community in the Silver Lakes area of Pretoria. He was later pictured leaving Boschkop police station wearing a grey hooded top.

It was initially reported that his girlfriend, former FHM model Miss Steenkamp, 29, was trying to surprise him for Valentine's Day and that he had mistakenly thought she was an intruder.

Police spokeswoman Brigadier Denise Beukes revealed there have been ‘previous incidents of a domestic nature’ reported at Pistorius’ home.

Police confirmed they will oppose bail and also revealed they have interviewed neighbours who 'heard things that happened earlier in the evening and when the shooting took place'.

Pistorius is a national hero in South Africa and the world's biggest star in Paralympic sport. The sprinter won two gold medals and a silver at the London 2012 Paralympics.