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6. “That’s unrealistic.”

To be successful, you have to be a little unrealistic. You have to believe that something totally different than what has happened for an eternity can happen. Think about it. Being realistic doesn’t change anything; being unrealistic does. Doesn’t it seem a bit unrealistic to be able to walk into a dark space, hit a switch, and instantly fill the entire space with light? Fortunately Thomas Edison didn’t think so.

7. “I wish.”

The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop saying “I wish,” start saying “I will,” and then go do something about it. The world isn’t going to dominate itself. You just have to wake up one morning and decide that you don’t want to feel like this anymore, ever again. And then make a change, just like that.

8. “It’s too late.”

Believing it’s too late is the end of your journey; believing in yourself is an endless destination. Trust yourself. Break the rules. Don’t be afraid to fail. Ignore those who doubt you. Work your butt off. And be sure to give something back before you’re done.

9. “I can’t.”

Nobody is going to blindside you and hit you as hard as life will. Sometimes life will beat you to the ground, and keep you there if you let it. But it’s not about how hard life can hit you; it’s about how hard you can be hit while continuing to move forward. That’s what true strength is. And that’s what winning the game of life is all about.

10. “This situation couldn’t get any worse.”

Nothing is good or bad, as thinking makes it so. Be determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation you may find yourself. For you will eventually learn that the greater part of your happiness or unhappiness is determined not by your specific circumstances, but by your disposition and perspective.