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1. Leather or not? Many Louis Vuitton bags are made of coated canvas, but the trim is leather. Before making a purchase, familiarize yourself with the style that interests you. If the trim is supposed to be leather, it should feel dry — not oily, slippery or sticky.
1. 是不是真皮材质?许多路易威登手包使用涂层帆布制成,不过用真皮镶边。在购买前,先对你感兴趣的款式有所熟悉。如果手袋配边是真皮材质,那么手感应该干涩——而不是油腻、湿滑或粘连。

2. Is the stitching even? It should be perfect.
2. 车缝线如何?正品的缝线应该完美无缺。

3. Are there sloppy spots? There should be no back-and-forth stitching – that's a sign of sloppy construction that doesn't meet Louis Vuitton's high standards. Examine the bag carefully for this sign of a possible counterfeit. In this example, there is back and forth stitching under the tab.
3. 是否有做工粗糙的地方?正品不应该出现回针的情况——这标志着做工粗糙,没有满足路易威登的高标准。仔细检查手包,寻找可能表明伪造的破绽。以这个包为例,在标签下面出现了回针。

4. Does the pattern match? Look closely at the matching of the pattern in the outside seams. A company like Louis Vuitton, which values its logo, wouldn't divide the letters in a seam. And where the pattern appears on either side of the seam, it should match precisely.
4. 图案是否对齐?仔细检查缝线外的图案是否对齐。像路易威登这样的公司很看重标志,不会出现缝线分割字母的情况。不论图案出现在缝线哪一侧,都应该准确对齐。

5. What color is the lining? It should be precisely the same shade as the real thing--not a close approximation.
5. 衬里是什么颜色?内衬的颜色应该和真品完全相同——而不是非常接近。