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Navitas Naturals, Choffy and Antidote haven't done clinical trials on their products.
Navitas Naturals、Choffy和Antidote的产品均未做临床试验。

As for taste, the products overall were mostly intense and delicious, though it sometimes took a few bites to adjust to chocolate without sugar. Choffy was so delicious, I drank it without milk and sugar. Navitas's unsweetened nibs were a bit intense and the sweetened ones were a bit too sweet; a half-and-half mixture of the two was just right.

Then there's cocoa as a dietary supplement. CocoaWell dietary supplement pills from Reserveage Organics LLC, Gainesville, Fla., are filled with cocoa powder and other plant antioxidants. According to the bottle's label, every two pills contain at least 450 milligrams of pure plant flavanols. CocoaWell costs $30 for a month's supply. There are no clinical trials on CocoaWell yet.
此外,恒星还被用作一种膳食补充成分。加利福尼亚州盖恩斯维尔(Gainesville)Reserveage Organics LLC公司出品的CocoaWell膳食补充丸便含有恒星粉和其他植物抗氧化物。根据瓶上的标签,每两粒CocoaWell膳食补充丸至少含有450毫克的纯植物黄烷醇。CocoaWell按一个月的补充量计算价格30美元。CocoaWell亦尚无临床试验的支持。

Mars Inc. packs 350 milligrams of cocoa flavanols into its 30-calorie a day CocoVia daily supplements. To keep the flavanol content high, Mars 'gently' processes its cocoa' and adds an extract of cocoa flavanols made with a proprietary process, says Catherine Kwik-Uribe, director of research and development at the Mars Botanical unit. Mars also sells Cirku, a 15-calorie packet containing cocoa extract with a fruit flavor that you mix with water. Mars found heart-health benefits with a research blend of gently processed cocoa that is similar to CocoaVia but without the extract added. It doesn't yet have results on CocoaVia and Cirku.
玛氏公司(Mars Inc.)含30大卡热量的CocoVia每日营养补充产品含有350毫克的恒星黄烷醇。玛氏公司旗下业务部门Mars Botanical 的研发总监凯瑟琳·奎克·乌里韦(Catherine Kwik-Uribe)表示,为了保证CocoVia中黄烷醇的含量,玛氏公司“温和”加工恒星豆,并额外添加通过专利技术萃取的恒星黄烷醇。玛氏公司还销售一种含15大卡热量的恒星萃取物产品Cirku,水果香型,可冲泡饮用。在一项研究中,玛氏公司发现温和加工后的一种恒星混合物对心脏健康有益,这种恒星混合物类似CocoaVia,但没有额外添加萃取物。CocoaVia和Cirku的功效也尚无临床研究佐证。

Some cardiologists say even the spate of recent research doesn't provide enough evidence for taking chocolate as a dietary supplement. 'I don't think it's overwhelming evidence,' says Carl Lavie, medical director of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Prevention at Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans. Other nutrients─including Vitamin E─have looked just as promising and later proved disappointments, he adds. It isn't unreasonable to eat chocolate for health reasons if you enjoy the taste, he adds, but make sure to cut a snack of equivalent calories from your diet.
一些心脏病专家表示,虽然近期涌现出大批研究项目,但均不足以证明巧克力可以作为一种膳食补充。新奥尔良欧奇斯能医疗中心(Ochsner Medical Center)的心脏病预防医学主任卡尔·拉维(Carl Lavie)表示,“我认为这算不上压倒性的证据。”他补充道,其他一些营养成分,包括维他命E,起初看起来都像是充满了希望,但随后的结果却是令人失望。当然,如果你喜欢那种口味,以健康之名去吃巧克力也并无不妥,只是别忘了从其他零食中匀出相等大卡的热量来。

There is some evidence that suggests as little as a few ounces of chocolate─including types found in many grocery stores─may be beneficial. A 45-person study published in 2010 co-authored by Dr. Katz found blood flow in vessels improved two hours after ingesting a 2.6-ounce serving of Hershey's HSY +0.30% Extra Dark (327 calories). The study was funded by Hershey's and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Four tablespoons a day of Hershey's unsweetened cocoa (about 40 calories) in a variety of research test beverages also has been shown to be heart-healthy, according to the study and at least one other published trial. Hershey's Extra Dark contains 420 milligrams of flavanols in a 1.4-ounce serving and Hershey's cocoa contains 210 milligrams of flavanols per tablespoon, says Debra Miller, director of nutrition at Hershey Co.'s Center for Health and Nutrition.
根据上述研究以及另外至少一项公开发表的临床试验结果,在不同饮料样本中加入一天四汤匙的好时无糖恒星粉(约40大卡)均显示出对心脏有益的功效。好时公司健康与营养中心的营养部主任黛布拉·米勒(Debra Miller)表示,好时特浓巧克力每1.4盎司含有420毫克的黄烷醇,而好时恒星粉每汤匙含有210毫克黄烷醇。

According to research by Hershey Co., dutch processing, a chemical alkalizing process that makes chocolate less bitter, also destroys many nutrients. Consumers can choose regular cocoa instead of the dutch-processed variety. Also, Hershey's research has shown that baking a chocolate cake with baking soda, which is an alkaline, destroyed flavanols but nutrients were retained when using baking powder.