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Asaf Katzir, co-founder of CareerSonar, a website that matches your LinkedIn and Facebook (FB) connections with the Internet's seemingly endless job listings, offers similar advice. "If the person [you've reached out to] doesn't feel like they can really help you, and they don't want to say it out loud, so they ignore you, try to find someone else to refer you to the job or move on to the next opportunity, " he says. "There's surprisingly a lot out there."

Saiger's experience is evidence of the power of positive thinking and not taking those "No's" -- or, more likely, lack of responses -- too personally. During the nine months she spent networking, Saiger estimates that she reached out to at least 50 people, many of them people she had never met before, and didn't hear back from as many as half of them. "Some of those people were incredibly responsive. Some of them I never heard back from. Some of them I sent follow-up emails to and then they were responsive, " she says. "Some of them introduced me to other people to network with. It was a wide range of responses."

Try to learn from whatever mistakes you make along the way and just keep plugging away at it. "Be respectfully persistent, " Shin says, by sending a single follow-up email to a potential connection if you haven't heard back. "People are busy, " and end up missing emails.
在这个过程中,尽量从自己的错误中总结经验,但要一直坚持下去。西恩说:“要坚持不懈,但也应该有礼有节。”如果没有收到回复,可以向潜在联系人发一封跟进邮件。因为“大家都很忙,” 发一封跟进邮件可以避免他们错过你的邮件。

While Shin recommends just the one follow-up, Gen-Y self-help guru Alexis Sclamberg, who relies on networking to meet editors, land speaking engagements, and find more media outlets to write for, takes a more assertive approach. "I send one email a week for at least a month before I give up on somebody," she says. "If I follow up two more times, the likelihood of my hearing back is very high."

Sclamberg also recommends networking with people where there may be a mutual benefit. Even when she was just starting out and had little to offer to colleagues, "I always just offered to support their work, even if I didn't have anything specific I could give them."

Keith Ferrazzi, author of networking guides Who's Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone, echoes that lesson, saying that networkers need to learn to "lead with generosity." Whether it's just by being warm and friendly, offering something in return (e.g. to reciprocate with a professional favor or even to volunteer your time to the person's favored charity), or making a personal connection. "Nobody really has time for anybody unless you give them a reason to have time."
人际交往指南《谁在力挺你》( Who's Got Your Back and Never Eat Alone)一书的作者凯斯?法拉奇也认同这种观点。他认为,关系网联络人要“以慷慨为先”。你可以表现出热情或友善,对你想要联系的对象提供某些回报(例如提供职业协助作为回报,或主动拿出时间参加对方青睐的慈善活动等),或者联络私人感情。“没有人真的有时间应付其他人,除非你能给他们一个理由,让他们自愿拿出时间。”