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Yesterday was Apple's shareholder meeting and, as many of you know, there's been healthy debate about what they should do with its $137 billion in cash. I had read somewhere that Apple's cash pile was equivalent to Hungary's GDP so perhaps an activist shareholder should push an acquisition of Hungary rather than thinking small (e.g., increasing dividends or issuing preferred stock).

Hungary probably wouldn't sell its sovereignty and entire economy for 1x sales, but Apple (AAPL) has no debt so they could probably lever the deal and borrow money on top of $137 billion in equity. For some reason, the notion of Apple hiking the taxes of Hungary to fund a dividend recap just amuses me…

More seriously, what should Apple do with a massive and growing pile of cash? The three obvious buckets are to invest heavily in new products (the Apple TV or iWatch or whatever), return cash to shareholders (via dividends, buybacks, new class of preferred shares, etc) or acquire stuff. Besides Hungary, what M&A strategies actually make sense?
严肃一点说,苹果应该如何处理一大笔不断增加的现金呢?三个显而易见的方案分别是:大量投资新产品(Apple TV、iWatch或者其他产品)、向股东返还现金(通过股息、回购、发布新型优先股等方式)以及招募员工。除去匈牙利之外,还有什么并购方案真的有意义呢?

For starters, Apple isn't Cisco (CSCO) or Oracle (ORCL). Instead, it's an incredible organization because of its long history of internal innovation rather than excellence in acquiring, integrating and growing other businesses. Over the long arc of time (by tech standards) Apple has done very few acquisitions above$100 million and has never done a billion dollar+ deal. Buying NeXT provided the foundation of what is now the desktop Mac OS, plus brought Steve Jobs back to the Apple fold. More recently, acquiring Quattro Wireless created the iAds mobile ad network and Siri was a technology acquired from SRI. Less auspiciously Apple bought a Swedish mapping technology company (C3) to form the basis of Apple Maps. Lastly Apple has bought several component companies (chip companies Intrinsity and P.A. Semi, flash memory company Anobit, and security hardware – Authentec) to be integrated in various iStuff.
首先,苹果不是思科(Cisco)或者甲骨文(Oracle)。相反,这家公司之所以不可思议,是得益于它内部创新的悠久历史,而并不是因为它在收购、整合和培养其他业务方面有出色表现。很长的时间内(按照技术标准),苹果1亿美元以上的收购案例屈指可数,10亿美元以上的收购更是从来没有出现过。通过收购NeXT,苹果建立了如今台式机系统Mac OS的基础,还把史蒂夫?乔布斯请回了苹果。更近一些,苹果收购Quattro Wireless,创造了iAds手机广告网络;而收购SIRI公司则获取了智能语音助手Siri技术。比较不走运的是对一家瑞典地图技术公司(C3)的收购,苹果在此基础上创立了Apple Maps。最后,苹果兼并了几家组件公司(芯片公司Intrinsity和P.A. Semi,闪存公司Anobit,还有安全设备厂商Authentec),将它们整合进了丰富多彩的“i”字辈产品中。

Apple is fundamentally great at creating innovative new platforms that consumers love because they're easy to use and rationalize digital fragmentation. It wasn't the first in PCs, MP3 players, smartphones or even tablets -- yet Apple revolutionized each of those categories. Apple doesn't really make money by selling software or even digital content, but it seamlessly integrates software and content to support a high margin hardware business.

But Apple's DNA is about quantum leaps, not incremental ones. So if they were to become an acquisitive company, I'd argue is has to be as big and bold in buying as it is in product innovation. The three main vectors Apple might pursue are: