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4. Take Responsibility

If you want to change your results, you need to accept responsibility for them. It’s not empowering to feel like a victim and to blame others for the results you have. You can either be on the “cause” or the “effect” side of the equation; which side do you choose to be on?

You have control over the results in your life, and you have influence, if you want. It is up to you to decide to take hold of the reins again and take responsibility for the things that you are not happy with. If you take responsibility for your results, your results will change.

5. That one skill!

What is one skill that, if you excelled at it, would change your life forever? Sometimes, the thing that keeps holding us back is a constant; something we feel that we are generally lacking in. Is it public speaking, communication, time management or positive thinking?

Imagine how different your results would be if you could master the one skill that keeps holding you back? Here are some great ideas.

6. Make a 30-day plan

Another great way to change your results quickly is by using the 30-day plan. The idea is to think about what you want to achieve/change in the next 30 days only, so it is not so overwhelming and easier to start.

You can do this in 3 easy steps.

(1) Think about what you want to accomplish in 30 days. How many new clients do you want? How much weight do you want to lose? Etc; Write down your 30 day goals. Make sure they are specific, measurable, and attainable, but still challenging and exciting!

(2) Think about what you need to do to accomplish each goal. Write down all the action steps you are going to need to do, break them into weekly and daily tasks and put them in your calendar.

(3) Think about your obstacles—what could happen that would prevent you from achieving this goal. Be prepared for the moments you normally hesitate and make a plan to overcome your obstacle.