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2013-03-19来源:Alexis Grant
5. Also carry a book.

Books are fabulous dinner companions. With a read you can pull out any time, you’re more likely to enjoy your solitude and less likely to feel lonely. Books are also great conversation starters.

But don’t fill your backpack with books — they’re heavy and take up valuable space. Instead, carry just one or two, and keep your eye out for opportunities to swap with other travelers.

Some hostels even have a designated book swap, allowing travelers to take a book and leave a book. And boy does it feel good when you find an awesome read on one of those shelves. (And now there’s the e-book! That should make it easier to carry more than one book at a time — so long as you’ve got a power outlet to recharge.)

6. Expect to pay more than couples.

Single rooms are usually nearly the cost of a double, which can be incredibly frustrating. It’s what I call the “single tax.” In some instances, you’re going to pay more traveling alone than you would with a partner. Know this from the beginning to avoid letting that single tax ruin your travel mojo.

7. Look for roommates.

Or someone who can split with you the cost of a car or a guide. Buddying up, whether for accommodation or transportation or any other expenses, will help you reduce the cost of your trip. It may also help you feel safer, and it’s nice to have someone to lean on if you get sick.

8. Consider wearing a (fake) wedding ring.

Don’t wear an expensive ring; it might get stolen. But having a band you can wave in the face of those pesky men is excellent proof that you’re married and unavailable.

I didn’t wear a ring during my trip to Africa, solely because I’m too proud of being an independent, single woman — and I ended up regretting it. A ring would have helped me avoid quite a few wannabe suitors.

9. Make an effort to be friendly.

Traveling solo is a fabulous time to reflect, but don’t overlook the chance to broaden your social network by reaching out to other travelers, as well as locals.

Ironically, we tend to meet more people and forge more friendships when traveling alone. That’s because if we don’t make the effort to talk to strangers, we’ll have no one to hang out with but ourselves. It takes a little extra effort to put yourself out there, but opening up those lines of communication is well worth it.