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There is, however, a big difference between a bank with an equity base of 5 per cent of its assets and Apple, which is awash with cash. Even David Einhorn, the hedge fund investor who wants Apple to issue new preference shares with a 4 per cent yield, say it should keep $20bn under the mattress.

High margins and a global market have brought the elite technology groups more cash than they have any use for. Moody’s estimates that the technology sector in the US holds $556bn in cash – 38 per cent of total corporate cash reserves. Apple will have $170bn by the year-end unless, as Tim Cook, its chief executive, promises, it gives some to shareholders.
高利润率以及全球市场给顶尖科技公司带来了大量现金,超出他们的利用能力。穆迪估计,美国科技行业持有5560亿美元现金,占企业现金总储备的38%。除非苹果按照首席执行官蒂姆??库克(Tim Cook)所承诺的,把部分现金返还给股东,否则到今年底,苹果的现金储备将达到1700亿美元。

It is hardly a corporate governance outrage for Mr Einhorn to suggest a way for Apple to do so. Warren Buffett, the eminent investor, advised Mr Cook to “ignore Einhorn” and focus on business, but Mr Buffett is no stranger to extracting money from companies by using high-yield preference shares, as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and General Electric know.
艾因霍恩向苹果提出一种将现金返还给股东的方法,很难算得上公司治理方面的一种离谱行为。知名投资人沃伦??巴菲特(Warren Buffett)建议库克“不要理会艾因霍恩”,应关注企业,但巴菲特对于利用高收益率优先股从公司抽走现金的做法并不陌生,正如高盛(Goldman Sachs)、美国银行(Bank of America)和通用电气(GE)所知道的那样。

It would be strange for investors always to wait meekly for a handout, like Maundy Money from the Queen, when a company has lots of it. Lynn Stout, a law professor, notes that “as a matter of law, shareholders??.??.??.??are entitled to receive nothing from the firm unless and until the board of directors decides they should receive it”. They might as well ask.
如果一家公司拥有大量现金,投资者却总是要乖乖地等待着公司的派发,就像英国女王发放救济金(Maundy Money)一样,那才是奇怪的。法学教授林恩??斯托特(Lynn Stout)指出,“从法律的角度来看,除非及直到董事会决定股东应得到现金,否则股东……无权从公司得到任何返还”。他们还不如公开要求。

Indeed, balance sheet structure is an issue on which fund managers have useful opinions. They are less to be trusted on corporate strategy, which is not their speciality. As Mr Einhorn said about Apple, “we aren’t here to offer strategic thoughts on how they operate their business – they are the experts”.

It may give Mr Lipton apoplexy, but there is no harm in investors challenging executives and a board of directors if they are hoarding cash from caution or laziness. This does not mean that investors are always right – the money could turn out to be useful in future – but it is a fair debate to hold publicly.

The bigger question, to which Mr Lipton alludes, is not whether the managers or the shareholders should decide. It is whether short-term investors that pressure companies for dividends or share buybacks are behaving against the interests of the long-term shareholders. That is the trap into which banks fell before the 2008 financial crisis.

Executives have to be alert to this, and to repudiate cash handouts that sound nice but would make it harder to build a profitable and sustainable enterprise. They need not follow the caricature version of “shareholder value” that sees the job of managers as to maximise the current share price at all costs.

But US technology companies, several of which could bail out small eurozone countries without breaking a sweat, are not victims of corporate raiders. They are simply being asked to make use of their wealth.