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But it's not always that simple。


A New York judge ruled in 2006 that a woman could keep her 3.4-carat diamond engagement ring because her ex had not yet been divorced from his previous wife when he proposed.


The Montana Supreme Court, meanwhile, has shot down the conditional gift theory entirely, ruling that the ring is the rightful property of its recipient.


In certain states, determining who gets the ring rests on who called off the wedding.


And, to complicate matters further, some states treat an engagement ring given on a holiday differently than one given on a non-holiday.


In DiPierro's case, because the ring was given to her on her birthday, she argued that it should be hers to keep.


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 New York State law was on her side, said George Muscato, a Lockport, N.Y.-based attorney who recently represented a female client in an engagement ring-related suit. He did not represent DiPierro.

纽约州的法律偏向于她那边, George Muscato这样说。George是纽约州洛克波特市的一名律师,他曾是一起订婚戒指相关的诉讼案中一名女性客户的代表律师。但他不是DiPierro的代理律师。

"If you give her that ring on a holiday like Christmas or Valentine's Day or her birthday, then you are making a gift to her as a present [that is] unconditional," he said.


But as legal proceedings dragged on for more than a year, DiPierro said she ultimately agreed to a financial settlement with Reinhold.


While she's glad her time in court is behind her, DiPierro said it drastically changed her perspective on money and romantic relationships.


"I guess, in some cases, I was naive," she said. "Money became very complicated in every future relationship."
