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China's new First Lady, Peng Liyuan, has become something of a global style icon on her first official state visit.

Peng Liyuan, wife of the new Chinese president Xi Jinping, has become a surprise style sensation with her native fashion bloggers and style commentators around the world on her first official state visit.

Disembarking from her private plane in Moscow on Friday, Peng, 50, chose an elegant black double-breasted belted coat and ladylike handbag by Chinese fashion label Exception; a look which, teamed with her neatly pinned up hair, fresh-faced make-up and understated accessories, wouldn't have looked out of place in the front row at Paris Haute Couture Week.

"First ladies are ambassadors of the culture and the design and of the soft power of a country. I'm glad that she chose to wear Chinese and take up that role of spokesperson for Chinese design here," said Hong Huang, publisher of the fashion magazine iLook and one of the most popular microbloggers in China.
“第一夫人一直是一个国家的文化大使,通常代表的就是一种软实力。看到彭丽媛女士选择中国本土品牌我非常高兴,她充当了中国设计的发言人角色。” 中国时尚杂志《iLook》的出版人洪晃表示,她也是中国最著名的微博达人之一。