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2013-04-04来源:positive blog
3. Look at people who are lesser privileged than you

If you’re the type to be whining, complaining and groaning about the things you don’t have, we must say that you need a reality check. Also, being unsatisfied will be a big hindrance in helping you to have a positive attitude all the time. Look around you and see other people who don’t have enough resources like you do. Being grateful for what you have can help you have a positive attitude all the time.

4. Forget the regrets of your past

Are you in a depressed and sullen mood all the time because you are carrying the burden of a trouble past with you? Then allow us to make you realize friends, that every moment you spend thinking of a dark past will fill you with negativity. You will lose one bright moment of your present and the future by doing so.Letting go of your past is the only way you can have a positive attitude all the time.

5. Keep fit and healthy all year round

Assuming you keep abreast with beauty, health or lifestyle magazines, we’re pretty sure you know the importance of good health by now. Keeping fit and ailment free is a critical tip in having a positive attitude all the time. You might have all the money, success and the luxury in the world, but you won’t be able to enjoy anything if you don’t have good health.