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苹果劲敌: 三星对自己的"危机意识"



"Change everything but your wife and children," Samsung chairman Lee Kun-Hee famously said 20 years ago when he announced the new management initiative that launched Samsung's entry into batteries, silicon chips and, eventually, display panels and smartphones.

Change often follows Lee's long overseas trips. Immediately after a 2010 voyage he shifted the company into emergency mode, cut executive paychecks and overseas travel, and announced that most of Samsung's existing products would be gone in 10 years.So there was considerable anticipation, the Korea Timesreports, when he returned Saturday from a three-month sojourn in Japan and Hawaii.
每次李健熙的海外长途旅行之后,都伴随着公司的调整。2010年的航程结束之后,他立刻将公司转为紧急状态,削减了高管的薪水和海外旅游福利,同时宣布三星现有的产品大多将在10年内淘汰。韩国时报(Korea Times)报道,因此他上周六结束为期三个月的日本和夏威夷之旅返回后,人们都很期待这次的改变。

"You should always have a sense of crisis. You should run faster and always study to have insights," Lee told the more than four dozen media outlets that met him at the airport in hopes that he might offer a hint of what Samsung has in store.

Among the issues Lee is expected to address on his return, according to the Korea Times' chief Samsung watcher, Kim Yoo-Chul, are the ongoing patent disputes with Apple (AAPL), Samsung's future investments and how to reduce the company's reliance on its mobile business.

The day before Lee's return, Samsung announced that it expected first quarter profits to be up 53% year over year, fueled largely by smartphone sales.