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男人对自身长相更满意 生活幸福感更高

Eating a better diet, a job that is more satisfying and finally shaking a long term injury or illness all featured in the top 10 wishes for a brighter outlook.

While more reassurance from the boss, time with the kids and even their favourite sports team performing better featured in the list.

A fairly patient one third of people studied would be more optimistic in life if their partner showed them more commitment.

And, perhaps contrary to popular belief, getting hitched seems to do wonders for a brighter perspective on life with married people rating significantly happier than singles in almost all categories.

When looking forwards the study was split 50/50 between those who thought they had good reason to be positive and those searching for reasons to be optimistic about their life.

However, there was a clear trend towards happiness growing with age - over 55s proved the most likely to rate themselves as an eternal optimist. Interestingly, the younger generation seemed less upbeat overall and were most likely to say their outlook has become gloomier in recent times.

This trend rises directly with age, with the under 25s most likely to say their perspective on life has become more negative and the over 55s least likely to feel their optimism has declined.

Things that make men happy

Salary 薪水
Career prospects 职业前景
Current body shape/ weight 当前的体型、体重
Appearance 外观
How other people see you 别人眼中的自己
Your finances overall 整体的财政状况
Job security 工作的安全感

Things that make women happy

Love life 爱情生活
Family life 家庭生活
Sex life 性生活
Health 健康状况
Living location 生活地点