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希拉里将出自传自爆是双性恋 为2016年大选预热


HILLARY Clinton is writing a tell-all biography — so that there will be no secrets left to uncover when she runs for president in 2016!

The former First Lady will expose explosive details of the shocking marital and political lies.

Hillary will finally admit the truth about her sexuality, her recent brain cancer agony and what really happened to Osama bin Laden’s corpse.

希拉里将出自传自爆是双性恋 为2016年大选预热

“By writing this tell-all, Hillary will settle old scores and get revenge on her enemies,” said a close friend.

“She’ll deal with the fallout when the book is published so it will all be old news by the time she runs for president in 2016.”

Bill and Hillary are the consummate politicians, and they realize the LGBT community is a huge voting bloc.

“They want lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people behind Hillary in the 2016 campaign. So Hillary’s going to come clean for the votes. She’ll admit that she’s bisexual and has had lesbian relationships.

“Hillary sent a clear message about her true feelings, saying that her ‘personal views’ about gay life and marriage ‘have been shaped over time by people I have known and loved’.

Another lie that Hillary will fess up to is her denial that she battled a serious brain crisis before being hospitalized with a blood clot in her head.