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5. It Gives Healthier Skin
5. 打造更健康的肌肤




Aside from water intake, swimming does the job of making your skin soft, younger, and healthier.

This is another form of exercise where it boosts up the pumping of blood that automatically results to a healthy skin color.

Don't forget to apply sun screen protection, especially if you are in tropical countries where sun is at its peak, where it can leave harmful effects not just on the skin, but within the skin too.

4. It Reduces Muscle Tension
4. 缓解肌肉紧张
As swimming improves the blood flow in your body, it also relaxes the muscles that frees up the tension that the muscles feel.

Since this involves physical exertion, it is expected to see and experience this healthy result in your body.

Hence, make sure that you do it correctly so you won't feel any negative or stressful effect in your body, especially if you have done it in an excessive amount of time.

More so doing the right strokes will help you avoid any injury or pain as you consult any professional trainer or swimming coach.

3. Keep Away Stresses in Life
According to surveys, there are 74% of people who have shared that the stresses and tensions that they have felt before they started to swim have greatly reduced, and in fact, some of them did not feel the pressure that life gives them whether the sources are from work, family, and other aspects of life when they find themselves in the water.

Moreover, it also relaxes their mind that creates positive feelings and impressions that make them forget any concerns and challenges that bother them.

It does not matter if you are doing it for fun or if it's a regular physical work out, but it invites positivity and increases self-confidence.

2. It's Free Most of the Time
2. 免费的
Whether you are swimming in the pond, lake, bathtub at home, and other public resorts or beaches, most of them are free.
无论你是在池塘,湖泊, 家里的浴缸,公共的度假村或是海滩边游泳,大部分都是免费的。

You don't need to spend too much.

Of course, if you want other amenities, you have to spend extra money for it.

Nonetheless, it's still a cost effective way of enjoying, at the same time, you free yourself from worries about how much would you have to pay after.

1. Its Enjoyable
Pleasure is the number one benefit that one gets from swimming.

Playing with water makes you feel young, and it washes away all the negative feelings that you have.

It automatically cools down your mind, and all other parts of your body.

In fact, even if you have not yet thrown yourself to the pool or to the water, you'll already feel the different kind of excitement and happiness that affects your mood.

In return, you also reciprocate that positive emotion to the people around you.

This is a proactive way of releasing your anger, problems, and fears.

There is something in water that drowns away all your troubles, even the greatest anxieties in your life.