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16月大婴儿无辅助游泳 未来的出水芙蓉

2013-07-02来源:daily mail

At just 16 months old, this baby is unlikely to have been walking for long, let alone mastered any other physical activities.But this incredible footage shows the tiny toddler swimming unaided and looking completely comfortable in the water.

The fearless baby swims face down, turning on her back to rest when she needs to breathe.The infant even jumps in, without arm bands, and swims to the far side of the pool unaided, without even taking a breather.

The remarkable feat has received much criticism from viewers on youtube.com.In particular people are concerned the baby is being forced to swim when she is tired and doesn't want to.

16月大婴儿无辅助游泳 未来的出水芙蓉

Replying to the comments, Adam BC, who posted the video, points out that he is a registered nurse and his wife was a life guard for six years and taught swimming. He also highlights that they are both professionally trained in CPR and water safety.
视频的发布者亚当BC 回应评论说,自己是一名注册护士,他的妻子则是做了六年的救生员,同时也在教别人游泳。他还强调他们都接受过专业的心肺复苏术和水上安全训练。

He writes that the child in the video, Elizabeth, has been trained properly by certified instructors who teach the infant swimming resource (ISR) technique of swimming and self rescue.

He clarifies: 'At no point do we force our child to do anything she is unwilling to try.We are able to recognize infant/toddler fatigue in the swimming pool.Elizabeth is a very determined little girl and sometimes she wants to roll over and breath as she was taught and sometimes she wants to hold her breath the whole way.I was 100 per cent prepared to jump in at first sign of distress. Please watch some of the other videos I've posted of her swimming and spread the word.'

Adam recommends that all parents should teach their children to swim 'because it only takes a moment for them to slip under and drown'.

'Some times the difference between life and death can be six inches of water and their ability to flip over on their back and take a breath,' he warns.

At one point in the video , it sounds as though the parent is astonished at the toddler's achievement, that she actually swam to the other side of the pool.

Explaining what was so remarkable about that moment, the notes say: 'My astonishment is not in the fact that she could swim across the pool because I always knew she could do it. My astonishment came from the fact that she didn't turn around and come back to me. This was her first time she didn't come back to me :).