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10大最有用的时间管理技巧 你都学会了吗?

6. Minimize Distractions

Whether it’s client e-mail alerts, phone calls from friends or IM chats with prospects while working, distractions are a hindrance to effective use of time. Distractions break your concentration, lower your productivity and often prevent you from completing important tasks on time. They can also cause stress.
在工作时无论是客户端的电子邮件提醒、或是朋友的电话、还是IM的聊天窗口, 这些干扰都阻止你有效地利用时间。分心会打断你的注意力,降低你的效率,经常让你无法按时完成重要的任务。这些也会导致压力。

Identify what is distracting you from doing core tasks and put a stop to it. Kill that television and turn off your Internet connection and IM chat. Put up a “Do not disturb” or similar sign at the entrance of your dedicated work space to prevent interruptions. Just do whatever it takes to minimize distractions. This ensures you take control of your days and maximizes your productivity.

7. Overcome Procrastination

Edward Young, the English poet best remembered for Night Thoughts, once said procrastination is the thief of time. Don’t put off tasks that you should be focusing on right now and let procrastination steal your time. Remind yourself that the best time to do somethings is usually NOW. Push yourself a little harder to beat procrastination and get what needs to be done DONE.

An effective strategy to beat procrastination is to tell yourself you are only going to embark on a project for a few minutes, say ten minutes. Once you start the project, your creative juices will start flowing. You will then find you want to continue with the task and quite possibly take it to the end. The trick to beat procrastination can be as simple as devoting a small amount of time to start. Just that!

8. Take Breaks

Unless you are Superman, you can’t sustain working long hours on end without burning out and sacrificing on quality. However tempting it may be to work to a deadline for 8-10 hours straight, take breaks in between work. This way you give your brain valuable time to rest and recharge. Taking breaks from work is not time wasting. It is smart time management. You produce top quality work when you are well rested.

Squeeze short breaks in between work for down-time. Ideally, take a five minute break every hour or two to rest and think creatively. You may set an alarm to remind you when your break is due. Stop working and just sit and meditate at your desk or go out for a cup of coffee or short walk. Don’t forget to give yourself ample time for lunch too. You can’t work optimally on an empty stomach.
在工作时,挤出短的时间来休息。理想情况下, 每一两个小时拿出五分钟来休息并进行创造性的思考。你可以设定闹钟来提醒自己休息一下。停止工作,仅在桌子前坐着进行冥想或出去喝杯咖啡或来一次短距离的散步。别忘了给自己充足的时间来吃午餐。饿着肚子工作时效果不可能很好。

9. Say “No”

One skill that many high achievers like President Obama, Bill Gates and Richard Branson have mastered is the gentle art of saying “no” to things that are not a priority. Saying “no” to things that are not a priority allows you to focus on those things that are really important. You only have exactly 24 hours in a day to do the things that matter. If you don’t learn to say “no” to things that are not important, other peoples’ priorities will precede your own and you will be swamped with far too many projects and commitments.
像美国总统奥巴马、比尔·盖茨和理查德·布兰森这些富有成就的人,所掌握的一项技巧就是对优先级不高的事情说“不”的技巧。 对优先级不高的事情说“不”能让你关注真正重要的事情。你一天只有24小时来做重要的事情。如果你不会对不重要的事情说“不”, 其他人的优先事项会排在自己的优先事项之前, 你会淹没在太多的任务和承诺中。

Say “no” amicably to everything that doesn’t support your values or help you achieve your goals. You have the right to say “no” no matter who you are talking to. When you get better at saying “no,” you put you time to good use and defend yourself from rushed work, poor performance and work overload.

10. Delegate Tasks

The old adage by 17th century author John Donne that no one is an island still holds true today. You can’t manage everything on your own. Sometimes it is prudent to let other people help you with tasks, especially when you are swamped. You save time, reduce stress and accomplish a lot more when you assign tasks to the right people.
17世纪作家约翰·多恩的一句古老的格言“没有人是座孤岛”在今天仍然适用。你不可能一切都靠自己。有时让别人帮你完成任务是聪明的举措,尤其是当你有很多任务时。当你把任务安排给合适的人时, 你节省了时间、减轻了压力,并能完成很多任务。

Relinquish your grip on the wheel and grant authority with responsibility to qualified people. Delegating is not dumping. Give tasks with consequences. This way you promote accountability and ensure goals and deadlines are met.