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新郎婚礼宣誓错喊初恋名字 现实版《老友记》

2013-07-07来源:Global times

A Beijing bride filed for divorce in a county court after her bridegroom called her by the name of his first love during their wedding ceremony, the Beijing Youth Daily reported on July 5.

The bridegroom, surnamed Zhao, mistakenly said the wrong name when asking whether his bride was willing to marry him during the ceremony at a hotel in Beijing.
在当天在北京某酒店举行的婚宴上,新郎赵某在新娘问出“你是否愿意交给我时” 竟然叫错了名字。

The bride, surnamed Zhou, slapped the groom and rushed to Beijing Miyun Court in her wedding dress. Taking off her wedding ring and throwing it to the ground inside the court, the enraged bride asked the judge to grant them a divorce.

新郎婚礼宣誓错喊初恋名字 现实版《老友记》

Zhao followed his bride to the court and made repeated apologies, saying that he “was too nervous’ and begging for forgiveness.

The bride finally dropped the case after mediation from the court, said the report.

【小编】看到这则新闻,很多网友都惊呼这是现实版的《老友记》!在经典情景喜剧《老友记》第四季最后一集的最后婚礼场景中,Ross也把对面的新娘 Emily 错叫成了他心心念念的Rachel: