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'It is not the type of protein (or meat) that is the problem; it is the type of fat,' said William J. Evans, who is affiliated with both Duke University and GlaxoSmithKline PLC., and who wrote a commentary about the study that was also published online in JAMA Internal Medicine. 'It's mischaracterizing red meat as high fat,' Dr. Evans said in an interview.
隶属杜克大学(Duke University)及GlaxoSmithKline PLC.医药公司的威廉•埃文斯(William J. Evans)针对这项研究撰写了一份评论,也发表于《美国医学会杂志•内科学》网站上。他说:“问题并不在于蛋白质(或肉类)类型,而是脂肪类型。”埃文斯博士在采访中说:“研究把红肉曲解成了高脂肪。”

He said consumers could choose lean cuts of red meat such as sirloin tips or round steak over high-fat cuts like rib-eye.

Dr. Pan could not be reached for comment Monday.
记者未能联系到An Pan博士对此置评。

Similar to general dietary guidelines from the U.S. government, the American Diabetes Association recommends people with diabetes eat lots of vegetables and fruit and choose whole-grain foods including dried beans, as well as eating fish two or three times a week. Lean meats include cuts of beef or pork that end in 'loin,' such as pork loin and sirloin.
与美国政府的通用饮食指南相似,美国糖尿病协会(American Diabetes Association)建议糖尿病患者大量摄入蔬菜和水果,选择包括干制豆类在内的全谷类食品,每周食用两次或三次鱼类。瘦肉包括以“里脊”结尾的牛肉或猪肉,比如猪里脊肉和牛里脊肉。

Diabetes affects about 26 million Americans and is characterized by high blood-glucose levels caused by the body's inability to either make or properly use insulin. Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, is often associated with weight gain and older age. The disease raises the risk of heart attacks and strokes, kidney disease, blindness, amputations and nerve damage. The other type of diabetes, Type 1, is an autoimmune disease and often diagnosed in childhood.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has projected that as many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults could have diabetes by 2050. The disease is currently the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S.
美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,简称CDC)预测到2050年,高达三分之一的成年美国人都会患糖尿病。目前糖尿病是美国人第七大死因。

Doctors say that improving diet is important not only for managing diabetes, but for keeping the adult-onset Type 2 at bay for those with the highest risk. The CDC estimates that 35% of U.S. adults age 20 and older─nearly 80 million Americans, by the agency's estimate─are affected with prediabetes, a condition in which people have higher-than-normal blood-glucose levels. People with prediabetes also have a higher risk of developing problems like heart disease and stroke.

Researchers said one of the limitations of the study was that participants were mostly white, educated U.S. adults. Some groups have a higher risk than others for developing Type 2 diabetes, according to the diabetes association, including African-Americans and Hispanics.

The diabetes and red-meat analysis involved data from the Health Professionals Follow-Up study collected between 1986 and 2006, as well as information from two groups of women in the Nurses' Health studies collected during a similar time period
这项针对糖尿病和红肉摄入的研究分析了来自从医人员跟进研究(Health Professionals Follow-Up study)1986年至2006年间的数据,以及护士健康研究项目(Nurses' Health study)在同一个时期内收集于两组女性参与者的信息。

A Diabetes Primer for Carnivores


347 million people world-wide have diabetes

26 million in the U.S. have it (19 million diagnosed, 7 million undiagnosed)

8.3% of the U.S. population is affected

27% of Americans with diabetes don't know they have it

35% of the U.S. population age 20 years or older has prediabetes


The American Diabetes Association recommends that meat eaters opt for Choice or Select grades of beef that are trimmed of fat. Cuts include chuck, rib, flank, Porterhouse, T-bone, rump roast, sirloin and tenderloin.

Other acceptable options: lamb chop, leg or roast, Canadian bacon, beef jerky, organ meats, game meat (including buffalo, duck, goose, venison), veal loin chop or roast.