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Understanding sex differences also has implications for elucidating the condition more broadly. Experts speculated that perhaps boys were somehow more vulnerable to autism because of, for instance, genes, hormones or different ways their brains are wired.

From a genetic standpoint, however, there is growing evidence that boys aren't more susceptible to autism, but rather girls are more protected from it. Yale researchers added to this thinking with new findings presented last week in which they looked at the DNA of several thousand children with autism.

They found that girls actually had substantially more high-risk genetic mutations associated with autism than boys, on average twice as many. Yet, because girls develop autistic features less often, something about being female is protective against the condition, said Stephan Sanders, a postdoctoral fellow at Yale University who presented the work.
他们发现,事实上,与男孩子相比,女孩子大体上拥有更多与自闭症相关的高危基因突变,其平均值是男孩的两倍。进行展示的耶鲁大学博士后斯蒂芬•桑德斯(Stephan Sanders)说,尽管如此,女孩子却不太会表现出自闭症症状,这是因为一些与女性性别相关的东西会使其免受该疾病的侵扰。

The Yale scientists then wondered if the males and females might actually be experiencing two distinct disorders at the genetic level. But further research led them to conclude that boys and girls appear to be suffering from the same ailment, Mr. Sanders said.

There is also early evidence that even though boys and girls may have the same condition, the way they process information could lead to different outcomes. For instance, studies of social learning, the core process that appears affected in children with autism-spectrum disorders, have found differences between the two sexes.

Kids with autism tend to look more at people's mouths, while typically developing children look more at the eyes, Ami Klin, head of Emory University's and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's Marcus Autism Center, and others have found. The thinking was that eyes tend to provide a lot of social information, such as emotion or interest, and the kids with autism miss out on a lot of this information, which contributes to their social impairment in interactions with others.
埃默里大学和亚特兰大儿童健康中心马库斯自闭症中心(Emory University's and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's Marcus Autism Center)的负责人亚美•克林(Ami Klin)及其他工作人员发现,患有自闭症的孩子更倾向于看着人们的嘴巴,而正常发育中的儿童则会更多地关注人的眼睛。道理是这样的:眼睛更易提供大量的社会信息,比如情感或兴趣。而自闭症儿童却漏掉了这大把的信息,这也是他们在与他人互动时会出现社交障碍的原因之一。

But in new work, Marcus researchers are comparing sex differences in eye gaze in typically developing children and those with autism, and have been surprised by the findings. The scientists showed six film clips involving social interactions, like boys playing baseball or kids chatting, to 52 boys and 18 girls with autism as well as to 26 and 36 typically developing boys and girls, respectively. Using eye-tracking technology, they were able to capture where on the screen children looked during the entire clip.

Overall, both girls and boys with autism looked less often at the eyes compared with typically developing kids, consistent with previous studies. The amount of eye contact from the boys related directly to their overall level of social disability. Boys who looked less at the eyes were more socially disabled.

Girls with autism, however, showed the opposite pattern: Those who focused relatively more to the eyes tended to experience worse social disability, said Jennifer Moriuchi, an Emory psychology graduate student.
埃默里大学心理学研究生詹妮弗•森内(Jennifer Moriuchi)说,但是患有自闭症的女孩却表现出一套相反的模式:那些相对更专注他人眼睛的女生,其社会功能缺陷一般更为严重。

The team found significant differences in timing of when girls or boys would look at the eyes, suggesting they aren't following the same cues.

The group is continuing with its work to understand these differences in engagement with the eyes, which highlights just how little is known about how autism manifests in girls, said Warren Jones, research head at the center.
该中心研究负责人沃伦•琼斯(Warren Jones)说,这个小组在继续探寻、理解男孩女孩在眼神交流方面的这些不同,而这又凸显出了我们在女孩自闭症病症上的无知。

'We tended to assume that boys and girls [with autism] do the same thing when they adjust to everyday life,' Dr. Klin said. 'There's emerging evidence that it's to the contrary.'