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Close the Letter

After you have expressed everything you want, close the letter. Affirm your commitment to the relationship. Talk about how you’re moving forward as a couple.

My love for you grows daily. My heart is full of wonder and excitement at the relationship we share. I want to be by your side through this life: through the ups and downs, the triumphs and defeats. You’re my partner and together we’re unstoppable.

Some Writing Tips

At first, writing a letter can be daunting. Don’t let that stop you. Just go for it: getting something on paper will release the creative juices you need to continue writing. It’s all a matter of getting started. That’s the hardest part. From there:

Know that you’ll probably need to write several drafts before you get the letter just the way you want it.

If you get stuck, say the words out loud you want to say, then go back and try to write them down.

Be yourself. If you’re not a poet normally, now may not be the best time to try to eke out some poetic prose. Either find a poem that helps express your thoughts, or just write as you normally would.

Don’t worry about being too “mushy.” Your love will just appreciate that you’ve written a letter expressing your sentiments.

Use the letter structure outlined above as a guide only. You may want to skip certain parts or expand upon others.

Don’t worry about fancy writing. Get to the point. If you think of a great word or sentence to use, go ahead. Again, your love will just appreciate the effort in the first place.

Use a letter-writing site. There are websites out there that can help you put your words on “parchment” and use great fonts to craft your letter.

With these guidelines and tips, you’re well on your way to crafting a perfect letter that will capture the heart of the one you love.