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太热了! 炎炎夏日如何保持凉爽?

Beat the heat: Aloe vera

You know aloe vera soothes sunburn, and its cooling properties also work to help you beat the heat. Blogger Crunchy Betty offers different recipes to make spray of it, combining witch hazel and peppermint oil.
我们都知道芦荟胶能有效减缓晒伤,其凉爽度还能有效降温。Crunchy Betty博客提供了不同的方法来制作芦荟喷剂,里面还添加了榛子和薄荷油。

Beat the heat: Spicy food

If you're already sweating, why would you want to sweat more? Professor of food science at Penn State University Luke LaBorde offers this answer: eating spicy food increases blood circulation and makes you sweat, so you'll feel cooler as the sweat dries. He explains that the capsaicin in hot peppers encourages your body to sweat more without raising your body temperature.
如果已经流汗了,为什么不多流一点呢?佩恩大学食物科学教授Luke LaBorde提供了答案:吃辛辣食物能促进血液循环,让人出汗,当汗液蒸发你就能感到更加凉爽。他还解释道红辣椒里面的辣椒素可以在不升高体温的情况下让人多流汗。

Beat the heat: Pressure points

Lifehacker.com's solution to lower body temperature is to apply a bottle with ice-cold water on points like your ankles, wrists, or behind the knees.

Beat the heat: Ice-cold sheets

Chill your bed by folding sheets and pillowcases, placing them in plastic bags, and sticking them in the freezer for a few hours, according to Mother Nature Network. Then make up the bed just before you go to sleep for sweet (and cool) dreams.
Mother Nature网站上建议把床单和枕头套都叠起来,放在塑料袋子里,然后放在冰柜里冰上几小时。然后睡觉前记得铺床,这样就会进入凉爽的梦乡啦。

Beat the heat: Take a cool shower

When all else fails, take frequent cool showers to keep your body temperature down and rinse off the sweat.