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We all have a little (or maybe a whole lot of) stress in our lives. The way we deal with that stress is crucial to our well-being.

So keep that nail-biting at bay. There are many quick and easy activities that reduce your stress level and keep cortisol levels in check. Believe me when I say that if you take time during your day to de-stress, you will not only feel better but you may even improve your memory and shrink your waistline. Here are eight stress-relievers I love, for daytime or bedtime, they each take just a few minutes to do!


1. Try the eight-count breath.

Breathe in as you (silently) count to eight, hold your breath for a heartbeat or two, then slowly exhale as you count to eight. Repeat. This super simple exercise is incredibly powerful and can help you improve your memory and manage stress.

2. Stretch and practice proper posture.

Both help to relieve pain, de-stress, relax your muscles and energize your body. In many ways, they are the basis for overall fitness. Try rolling your head from side to side, doing some toe touches and pulling your arms across your chest. And a few posture pointers: Stand straight, hold your shoulders back and keep your tummy in.

3. Brew some tea.

There's nothing better than getting cozy with a calm cup of tea. Green tea has an amino acid called theanine, which sends your brain into a state of relaxed alertness that allows you to get a deeper sleep and respond to stress more calmly. Too hot? Make it iced.

4. Light a candle.

Aromatherapy can help to decrease stress levels, and lavender has been shown to decrease cardiovascular conditions associated with mental stress. If you typically stress eat, hold your left nostril while smelling a candle's scent. This activates the side of the brain where emotions are processed and can help to reduce anxiety and appetite.